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The IDPD aims to hold discussions on diplomacy and democracy; to combat hate and obscurantism; to work to reduce inequalities, promote human rights and expand liberties; to strive for a Brazilian foreign policy independent and coherent with commandments of sustainable development and cooperation for global progress; to have zeal for principles and values stated in the following documents and commitments:

I - The Earth Charter;

II - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

III - The  Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil;

IV - The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si', of the Holy Father Francis, and the document Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones, issued by the Vatican;

V - The Charter of the United Nations; The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; Convention C169 - Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention of the International Labour Organization (ILO); The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; The Convention on Biological Diversity; The Inter-American Convention Against All Forms Of Discrimination And Intolerance; The Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities; and The preamble and initial articles of Unasul´s Constitutive Treaty.

VI – To have zeal for cultures of non-violence and tolerance, for literature, arts and science, commitments to transparency and ethics, respect for our collective history, strive for innovation and engagement in processes of individual and collective transformation.


Antonio Freitas


Founder of Tapera Taperá, a non-profit cultural center in São Paulo, Brazilian diplomat currently on leave, held positions in Beijing (2010-2012) and Washington (2012-2014).

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